Letter to Leaders Twelve - Cherry pickers

Hello, Leaders. One mindset we notice in high-performing teams is that of the “cherry picker,” sometimes called a “goal hanger”

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Letters to Leaders Eleven - Decision-making cheat sheet

Hey, leaders. Allow me to share a handy cheat sheet we use for decision-making. Some of these oppose popular belief.

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Letters to Leaders Ten - Moving the Bell Curve

Hello, Leaders. This is an excellent time of year to invest in a burst of deep thinking on “how you

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Letters to Leaders Nine - Two Sides of Patience

When it comes to pursuing deals and opportunities with patience, there are two sides to consider — yes and no. Both

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Letters to Leaders: Eight - Your Advantage

Hello, leaders. Marty and I want to apologize. We have not given this email enough time and attention. We started

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Letters to Leaders: Seven - The Fixer

Hello, leaders. I met a veteran a few weeks ago who became known as “a fixer” throughout various units in

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Leader to Leaders: Six - Board season

Hello, leaders. That’s a wrap on board (meeting) season for the quarter. As a point of reflection, we want

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Leaders to Leaders: Five - More Right Things

Hello, leaders. It seems like the world is about to switch into holiday mode. And we hope you have the

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