
Jun 17 Written By 

Optimism is an attitude. This is one of those principles that preaches well but is hard to practice (especially standing in line at the DMV, cleaning bathrooms or scrolling socials).

I must admit, sometimes I suck at having fun. My attitude gets off track.

Anytime I get in one of these funks, I fall back on three checks one of my mentors taught me. Hopefully, these will help you have more fun too.


You must decide you are going to have fun and enjoy the experience. Each day we appreciate God's creation is a step ahead of others.


In most cases, you can choose who you associate with. Don’t hang out with people who make life miserable. Have fun building relationships and memories with friends. Laugh often. Talk about each other’s dreams and goals. And realize sometimes picking good company means flying solo.


Everyone loves receiving recognition and encouragement (chances are they are not being recognized at work or home). A good man once told me, “encouragement is oxygen to the soul.” Making others happy is contagious, and what you sow, you’ll reap.

That’s it. Keep these three attitude adjustments in mind. Try them. You’ll be happier and have more fun in life.